Software Development Services- Liangtuang Technologies

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The old days are gone, when no one ever imagined spending face-to-face time with a distant friend or relative or doing business overseas without being physically present. The scenario has completely changed; we are talking about AR/VR and Vision Pro and developing advanced technologies, all thanks to technology, such as software development.

Software development means computer science activities that create, design, deploy, and strengthen software. The software is the set of instructions or programs that manages the tasks of a computer. It is independent of any hardware and makes computers programmable. There are 3 basic types:

  • System software provides core functions such as operating systems, disk management, utilities, hardware management, and other operational necessities.

  • Programming software provides programmers tools like text editors, compilers, linkers, debuggers, and other tools to create code.

  • Application software (apps) facilitates users' tasks. Instances include office productivity suites, data management software, media players, and security programs. Applications also refer to web and mobile applications like those used to shop on, socialize with Facebook, or post pictures on Instagram.

A fourth type is embedded software. Embedded systems software handles machines and devices, not typically computers, such as telecommunications networks, cars, industrial robots, etc. These gadgets and their software can be linked to the Internet of Things (IoT).

You can also read: Boost your business with Apple Vision Pro App Development Service

Programmers, engineers, and developers develop software. These roles interact and coincide; their dynamics significantly vary across development departments and communities.  

Programmers, also known as coders, create source code to program computers for specific tasks such as integrating databases, processing online orders, routing communications, performing searches, and displaying text and graphics. They interpret and implement instructions from software developers and engineers, using programming languages like C++ or Java to achieve these objectives.

Software engineers implement engineering principles to build software and systems to solve issues. They use modeling language and other tools to formulate solutions that can often be applied to problems in a general way rather than merely solving for a particular instance or client. Software engineering solutions such as bridges or elevators adhere to the scientific method and must work in the real world. More products rely on software for market differentiation, and their software development must be matched with the product’s mechanical and electrical development work.

Software development services offered by Liangtuang Technologies

Software development services help plan, design, develop, integrate, test, manage, and evolve software solutions. Quality-centered and adherent to software development best practices, Liantuang Technologies provides application development services to startups, software companies, and enterprises across 30+ industries.

At Liangtuang Technologies, we are ready to offer end-to-end development that covers everything from business analysis to software delivery and support, help modernize your legacy software, or provide expert advisory at any stage of SDLC (software development life cycle). 

Here are some of the primary software development services provided by Liantuang:

Application Engineering Solutions

Acting as a link between an organization’s engineering teams and its customers, Application Engineers set out to enhance the overall functioning of their client’s software. Using customer input, requirements, and sales information, these engineers use this data to design, re-design, develop, test, and apply complex software applications and programs.

Business Process Automation

Business process automation (BPA) uses software to automate repeatable, multistep business transactions. In comparison to other types of automation, BPA solutions are complex, linked to several enterprise information technology (IT) systems, and tailored particularly to the requirements of an organization

ECM Solutions

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) refers to the strategies, methods, and tools used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents associated with organizational processes. The architecture keeps documents and business content together, making them searchable, explorable, organized, and meaningful.

Technology Consulting

Information technology consulting (IT) is a broad service that facilitates companies' application of new transformative software, design, and operation of reliable, change-ready infrastructures, and managing IT resources with maximum return. 

Digital Experience Engineering

Digital Experience Engineering services offer state-of-the-art development to fulfill and deliver human-centric engineering digital experiences where the data is connected and designed to modify customer interactions into personalized experiences that drive business results. 

Artificial Intelligence

AI is accelerating into a megatrend, evolving industries, companies, and how we live and work. Organizations that build a vital data and AI foundation will be better positioned to reinvent, compete, and achieve new performance levels.

IoT & Digital Engineering

Internet of Things and Digital Engineering help you catalyze your digital strategy, utilize intelligence at scale for your products and processes across ecosystems, and appreciate business model innovation, higher productivity, sustainability, cost excellence, accelerated time to market, and the best customer experience.


The cloud has emerged as an enabler of transformation. However, there are still significant barriers to cloud expansion, and many enterprises need help proving transformation value or tying IT value to business outcomes. 

Data & Analytics

Data and analytics equip businesses, employees, and leaders to make better conclusions and enhance results. This applies to all decisions, incorporating macro, micro, real-time, cyclical, strategic, tactical, and operational. At the same time, D&A can unfold new questions, innovative solutions, and opportunities that business leaders still need to consider.

Looking for the right software development company?

The biggest hurdle of software development is that it’s hard. It takes time (and patience!), and it’s not over once you launch it. In this ever-changing world, you must constantly evolve it to fulfill users' demands.

The good news is that modern development approaches with embedded tools are now available. These approaches are designed to accelerate app development and automate the application lifecycle.

Liangtuang Technologies is a software development company that helps businesses grow digitally by providing the services they need to build a robust business. Our team of seasoned professionals has more than 12 years of experience with numerous technologies, such as Flutter, Java, React Native, and so on. 

Our work speaks for us more than we do; our testimonials are our proof. To book a demo or for further queries, click the link:

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